Idonial is a member of the public-private alliance for the development of devices against Covid 19
The Ministry of Science, Innovation and University of the Government of Asturias coordinates a public-private alliance to create equipment and devices for individual protection that can contribute to dealing with the health crisis caused by COVID-19.
Latest news about ReSiSTant project
Last 6th April 2020, a new article about ReSiSTant project was published on Open Access Government Journal. ReSiSTant is a Horizon 2020 project aiming to reduce environmental impact of aircrafts and industry by applying nanotechnology.
Launch of EU Research Project cmRNAbone: Novel Gene Therapy for Bone Regeneration
New treatment for patients with large traumatic injuries and osteoporosis.
CLLAIM _ Electronic Newsletter
CLLAIM is a European funded project under the scope of ERASMUS+ programme.
EPPN workshop - Pilot production plants for transport, industry and health
Achieving successful pilot production, from a laboratory scale to small pilot production scales, is an important success factor in the innovation and management potential of productive companies.