8th General Assembly of the ACEnano project
The European project ACEnano holds the eighth General Assembly virtually on October 1 and 2.
New european project for construction sector: METABUILDING H2020 project
One of the biggest challenges within the European Built Environment Sector is to foster innovation, specially at the SME level, which account for more than 80% of the output of the Construction Sector, worldwide.
MIdTerm Conference
We would liket to invite you to the MidTerm Conference of CLLAIM project that will be held for the first time in Spain on September 29, 2020, from 09:30 to 12:00 horas and it is completely free. It will take place on line.
Survey on AM Skills for the Workforce
SAM (Sector Skills Strategy in Additive Manufacturing) consortium, representing both education and industry fields, is undertaking a study to identify the skills demand related to Additive Manufacturing or 3D printing in Europe.