Sign up for the last conference of the European project Green Steel for Europe
"Climate-neutral steelmaking in Europe: technology, financing and political conditions"
SAM WEBINAR, Across the AM Industry: The required skills-set by diferent sectors
Idonial organises and participates in the next SAM WEBINAR "Across the AM Industry: Required skills, established by different sectors" which will be held on October 22, 2021
Calling for education and training organizations: participate in our survey!
In the framework of the SAM project we are launching the second round of surveys to assess the AM skills panorama. If your organization is involved in education and training at higher education or vocational levels, kindly participate in the SAM survey on AM Training Practices until 30 July.
METABUILDING LABS: NEW H2020 project to develop and test innovative building envelope solutions
With the intention to reach the Paris Climate Agreement (COP21) goal of “nearly-zero energy, zero emission buildings”, METABUILDING LABS (G.A. Nº 953193), a new five-year .
The 1st METABUILDING GROW/HARVEST CALL opens on June 15th, 2021
"Up to 60.000 € for innovation and collaboration projects of SMEs"