The SINGforGREEN project consortium meets in Portugal

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On March 21 and 22, our colleague David Santos participated in coordinating the second transnational meeting of the collaborative European project SINGforGREEN (Developing SustaINable Skills for DesiGners in Additive Manufacturing), which took place in Porto Salvo (Portugal). The objective of the project is to develop and test digital content for the training of designers in additive manufacturing technologies in “green” skills.

In its first 6 months of operation, the project has worked especially on the detection and analysis of the set of competencies necessary so that the design and manufacturing processes supported by additive manufacturing technologies are as “green” as possible, an objective in the that come together, from general concepts such as the product life cycle, to specific design optimization methodologies, through detailed knowledge of the advantages and disadvantages in terms of impact of the different additive manufacturing processes and materials. This work has also been supported by conducting interviews with professionals in industrial and training fields. These first results are expected to be published soon, in a document that will bring together the aspects analyzed and the main findings.

The project will continue in the coming months with the work of defining the competency units and developing training content, with the final objective, during 2025, of developing a series of training pilots, tasks around which to configure a program training in sustainability aimed at design professionals, in the field of additive manufacturing technologies.

You can access more information and news about the SINGforGREEN project on its website and on social networks:


SING for GREEN is coordinated by IDONIAL, has financial support from the European Union through its ERASMUS+ program (exp: 2023-1-ES01-KA220-HED-000155981), will have a duration of two years, and its consortium has with the European Welding Agency (Belgium), Brunel University (United Kingdom), FAN3D (Portugal), Lattice s.r.o (Slovakia) and the Čakovec Metal Center (Croatia).


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